Study Vitamin D Alone Will Not Boost Bone Health
A study indicates that calcium supplements can improve bone health in pre-menopausal women. However, the vitamin D supplements do not provide any added benefit for women who already have normal vitamin D levels. It does not help in reducing bone turnover. The results of the study are accepted for publication in The Journal of Clinical […]
Bone Building Tips
Maintaining healthy and strong bones requires good nutrition and following a healthy lifestyle. The bones provide support for the whole body structure. But if one does not take care of it, bone density may gradually lessen as early as the age of 25. this will further lead to weaker and thinner bones that may be […]
Bone Building Tips
Maintaining healthy and strong bones requires good nutrition and following a healthy lifestyle. The bones provide support for the whole body structure. But if one does not take care of it, bone density may gradually lessen as early as the age of 25. this will further lead to weaker and thinner bones that may be […]
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